Fidelity Investments
To provide the products and services for our clients, we conducted an extensive search among the top custody/servicing firms and ultimately chose Fidelity Investments Wealth Management Services. From which our search found that the features and benefits available to our clients through Fidelity greatly exceed those offered by the competition (TD Ameritrade, Schwab, Ameriprise, Edward Jones, Raymond James…). The following are some of the reasons we selected Fidelity and the benefits they provide our clients.
Client Benefits
- Debit cards with worldwide ATM access
- Reimbursement for all ATM fees with a fidelity brokerage account.
- Extended warranty services for first 90 days from date of Visa purchases. Auto rental collision damage waiver, travel and emergency assistance, worldwide travel accident insurance.
- BillPay® – the ability to receive and pay your bills on the web or on your mobile device
- Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer
- Free Check writing
- Cash balances earn interest and are eligible for FDIC insurance coverage up to $500,000.
- Apps for iPhones, iPad and Android which provide the access of being able to check balances, pay bills, deposit check and transfer money on the go.
- Cash and investments are managed together for better financial control and seamless withdrawals, deposits and transfers.
- Money Manager that provide alerts when there’s cash that could potentially be invested and self-funded overdraft protection.
- 24 hour automated service for account and fund information. Customer service representative available 8:30 am-8:00 pm M-F.
- 170+ branch locations across the country
Why We Use Fidelity
- Their clearing firm is one of the largest clearing providers in the industry.
- Have a 60 year reputation for integrity and financial management expertise.
- Capital Markets provides access to an experienced team of traders on all stock exchanges. This access means Fidelity can better match buyers and sellers which translates into better pricing.
- Fixed income trading comes accompanied with their own bond trading desk (unlike Charles Schwab which outsources its fixed income trading). Fidelity provides a team of seasoned traders specialized in different segments of the fixed income market who can provide market commentary, analytics and assistance with trading needs
- Is a full-service bond underwriter and provides access to a broad selection of new issues.
- Leads the way in trade transparency by providing historical trading information for bonds from the Municipal Securities Rule making Board (MSRB), Real-time Transaction Reporting System (RTRS)
- Provides powerful, analytic tools to evaluate bond purchases, price and risk tests, yields, call dates and ratings.
- Facilitates block orders, allocations, exchanges, security cross references, group orders and trade-a-ways.
- Provide highly integrated portfolio modeling, re-balancing, trading, account maintenance and servicing.